Tagged: , David Fergus , David , Fergus , Burntwood , Staffordshire , Photographer , copyright , About , Motorbikes , Motorcycles , OPEN , TO , ALL , Moto , di , ogni , tipo
Love to have this in the garage, this very green Harley Davidson Trike that was at the show.
Taken at the Ararat Car & Bike Show, Ararat, Victoria in 2013.
HARLEY DAVIDSON Touring Maschine, Umbau von Voodoo Bikeworks Phoenix, AZ, die sich auf maßgefertigte Teile, Audio und Aufbauten für Harley Davidson Touring-Motorräder spezialisiert haben.
HARLEY DAVIDSON Touring Machine Rebuild by Voodoo Bikeworks Phoenix, AZ, who specialize in custom parts, audio and builds for Harley Davidson Touring motorcycles.