My very first video in this channel. Had a few before this but either incomplete or a complete mess. Still fedup with this GoPro.
Motorcycles are exhilarating, right? Enjoyment is one of the key elements of motorcycling. Truly, there’s no other reason to board our delicate bodies onto a hot engine with wheels and zoom through space like a round of Galaga, without lasers or extra lives. It’s all about fun.
This is where Bixby Moto steps in. Introducing a touch of joy to the usually serious motorcycle culture, it offers an antidote to the drudgery of frowning faces, embellished flames, and duck faces. We decided to delve deeper and had the chance to chat with Drew from Bixby Moto about dreams, fashion tips, and the taste of bull testicles. Plus, we needed to replenish our humor reserves.
Who are you? Wow. That’s a pretty existential question. Just a regular guy with insecurities, a passion for motorcycles, and a quirky sense of humor. My name is Drew. I run a scooter shop in California. I make just enough to fund my escapades and love for motorbikes.
Okay, this question didn’t seem so profound when I asked it, but thinking about it now makes me anxious. What is Bixby Moto? It’s a personal reminder for myself and every intolerant individual out there: lighten up a little. Can you tell I’ve been bullied?
Do you have any peculiar, frightening, or strange recurring dreams? I often have a dream where I lose all my teeth. I find myself in the bathroom lightly pulling them out, one by one. As I stare in the mirror, they accumulate into a gory pile in the sink. Is there any significance to this? That sounds truly terrifying! It could make for a great horror film plot, but dreams involving rainbows and unicorns seem far more delightful. Your imagination is impressive; should I be concerned? My dreams usually revolve around my amazing girlfriend. She floats ethereally on clouds of affection. Nothing goes wrong, and I wake up with a smile. I believe they call that love; I’m not sure.
What inspired you to start Bixby Moto? I noticed that at motorcycle events, people rarely seemed to be having a good time. There was a lot of judgment and finger-pointing. I started to conform to the culture, and the desire to appear cool began to weigh me down. I wanted to simplify my approach: just have fun. This became the Bixby Moto motto: “Fun Time Only”.
What’s the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten? I tried rattlesnake once. I have also accidentally consumed dirt and likely numerous spiders. To set aside the juvenile humor, I’ve tasted bull testicles. They weren’t as delicious as you might expect. Rattlesnake sounds far more extravagant.
True, it’s quite fancy. Rattlesnake is akin to a mix of fish and chicken. It’s quite tasty when slathered in BBQ sauce. Although, I’m sure spiders would also taste good with BBQ sauce. What do bull testicles taste like, and how were they prepared? They were deep-fried and pretty flavorless. My entire life has revolved around seeking excuses to dip everything in BBQ sauce. After 30 years, I’m finding new ways to be creative.
When you ride a motorcycle, do you feel the spirit of freedom taking over, allowing your soul to soar? Indeed, motorcycles are an enchanting world that many have never experienced. They evoke strong emotions—pure joy! But it’s also like “ghost riding” your bike into a wall, shrugging it off and walking away. I’d prefer a handbag over a showy bike. An even better choice would be a scooter.
I hear you; sometimes, a flashy bike doesn’t have real stories to tell. Where do you find those stylish outfits? You always look sharp. While most men have wandering eyes, I’m not looking at pretty women but instead on the hunt for rhinestones that catch my fancy. I grab it whenever I spot something appealing. Thrift stores offer incredible deals. Rural areas usually have fantastic cowboy hats and western-style suits.
Any fashion tips for me? Absolutely. Wear something that makes you feel foolish. That sense of embarrassment acts like a shield; there’s nothing anyone can say that will hurt worse than how you feel. It may seem irrational, but it’s effective. And if all else fails: What would Liberace do?
What was that epic ride you took to challenge the dunes? A standard ‘71 XLH900 Sportster. It doesn’t perform exceptionally well at any task, which is why I adore it. Ideally, I’d love to romp through the sand dunes on a Gold Wing. However, I don’t own one, so I took my least favorable bike out.
How did it handle with those gigantic paddles on it? It was sluggish, cumbersome, and felt like seaweed in choppy waters. The key to navigating sand is to glide smoothly over the surface. But I’m not a graceful person, and I enjoy a challenge. The paddle tires might’ve aided a bit, but 50 horsepower from a boat anchor was certainly not optimal.
Nonetheless, NASA managed to land us on the moon two years before Harley Davidson started building my bike. What was I complaining about? The simple answer: I kept it pinned the entire time.
What was your first bike? When I was a kid, my dad bought a Suzuki DS80 for me to learn on. He took my brother and me to a sandy washout in the desert for our inaugural lesson. I managed only about 20 feet before bursting into tears. It was the most terrified I’ve ever been. I was ready to give up, but Dad was incredibly supportive. He wouldn’t let me quit. Now, I feel confident enough to ride anything anywhere. Thanks, Dad!
Where can we find Bixby Moto? 11211 Slater Ave., Fountain Valley, CA, 92708. That’s quite straightforward, but anyone interested in a sticker can send me a postcard with a return address, and I’ll ship out something uniquely tailored.
This article originally appeared in issue 21 of Iron & Air Magazine, and is shared here under license | Interview by Gregory George Moore | Images by Christopher Hopkins
Bixby Moto | Instagram